HVAC in Dayton FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About HVAC
How long should my system last?
There are a lot of factors that affect the life of your system. These factors include how often maintenance is performed, how well the system was designed and installed, proper setup and commissioning, and the type of system you have. Most manufactures generally state their equipment will last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. But a well designed, sized, installed and maintained unit can last longer than that.
How often should I change my filter.
Because there are so many different styles and sizes of filters, there is not a one size fits all answer. Generally, when using a 1” fiberglass filter we recommend once every 1-2 months, 1” pleated filters can last up to 3 months, and 4-5” air filters can last anywhere from 6-12 months. Depending on the thickness of the filter, the merv rating, and environment, more frequent filter changes may be necessary. We also do not recommend any type of allergan or HEPA type filter as they severely restrict airflow and can cause equipment problems as well as reduced system life. More information about filters can be found here.
What temperature should I set my thermostat at?
Whatever is most comfortable for you is the short answer. However, ACCA recommends 68* for winter and 75* for summer, and the EPA states less than 70* winter temperature and 78* for summer cooling (EPA numbers are based largely on energy savings versus comfort levels). But comfort is more than just a number on your thermostat. Humidity is much more important to comfort than the temperature. Just imagine a 72* fall day with little humidity versus a 72* spring day with 100% humidity, the fall day is much more comfortable. There are several ways we can help keep the humidity in your home at a more optimal level year round. Give us a call and well be happy to walk you through it.
Why is one room always hotter or colder than the others.
Typically, differences in room temperatures comes from poor duct system design. Whether its from improper sizing, poor installation practices, or even wrong size equipment, we often find the culprit to be duct work related. On some occasions, it could be air leaking in walls or other areas, we can help with that as well.
How much does service cost?
A service call cost $99. That amount covers the cost to get our service vehicle to your location, and the first 30 minutes of troubleshooting/diagnostics. Once the issue has been determined, we will provide a flat rate cost of repairs. Estimates of repairs are always given before any work is done.
Does the furnace and A/C need to be replaced at the same time.
Not always. If it's a simple single stage system, they can be done at separate times. But some systems do require replacement of both units, as they “talk” back and forth to each other, so they must be the same brand.
What brands are the best?
Ask 20 people and you will get 20 different answers. The truth of the matter is, there are only a handful of manufactures making over 70 different brands of units. When you dig into the inside of the units, you start to see that the parts all come from the same few component manufacturers. Unlike cars that roll off the assembly line finished, HVAC equipment comes out 50% finished. The other 50% of the process takes place in your home. That is why system design, installation and commissioning are the key factors of a system, not the name of the unit.
What is the difference between maintenance and service?
Maintenance is preplanned, and usually takes place at the beginning of the heating or cooling season. At that time we clean and check the unit, and make sure all components are working within the manufacturer's specifications. If we find components out of range, we then provide an estimate for repairs. Service is when your unit stops working, and we are called out to diagnose the issue, and then provide an estimate for repairs. We run maintenance 8am-4pm M-F, and offer service 24/7
How much does a new system cost?
The short answer is, around $4500 for a single a/c or furnace, and up to and over $20,000 for platinum modulating complete systems. But every home is different, from the size of the unit needed, to the height of the basement ceiling and so on. So all systems are custom priced for your home and your home only.
FAQ for HVAC in Dayton
For any other questions, please contact us directly.