Dayton Ohio HVAC Contractor

Dayton AC Repair

In Dayton, Ohio— things can pan out two ways when it comes to your HVAC systems… Either very hot or very cold.

We’re not saying that Dayton has extreme weather, but… Dayton seasons are on very opposite ends of the spectrum. Expect lovely weather, then harsh climates the next - keep your furnace and ac units up-to-date.

Weather experts (and locals like us) say that while it is indeed partly cloudy all-year-round— there are some particular time frames where we won’t get to enjoy the ambiguity of cloudy weather. 

The culprits: summer and winter. In retrospect, they’re perfectly normal, everyone experiences them. But in Dayton, Ohio— it’s a whole different ball game. And not the enjoyable one.

We’ll give you a rundown on Dayton weather. Precipitation is to be expected. It's one of the wetter cities after all. The US has an average of 38 inches of rain per year. And Dayton, Ohio has managed to beat the odds with 40 inches of rain. Quite impressive, is it not?

Summers in Dayton

About the summer season in Dayton, it’s certainly not as long as the average US count… but at its peak? It’s red-hot searing. At least the people in the city think so.

A study says that summer of 85 degrees is already too hot to enjoy, and honestly— we second the motion! 

As an HVAC company, we’ve experienced the worst of the heat in Ohio. Especially when we’re servicing clients with out-of-order air-conditioning. Add it to a poorly-ventilated property— and you get the scorching of a century. 

When it’s hotter at home than it is outside, you know you have a problem. If you’re feeling sweaty and uncomfortable at the (supposed) comfort of your home— you should probably call an HVAC company that knows their ABCs. 

That being said, we’re JBH Energy Solutions— and (quite obviously) as our name suggests— we’re the solution to all your energy issues! 

Besides repairing your ACs (including private label brands), we also offer maintenance. 

And if that doesn’t cut it, the problem may lie in your property’s ventilation. We also design and install ventilation systems, and we’ve been doing a great job at it too! 

Furnace Repair in Dayton

Winters in Dayton

Quite similar to sunny days in Dayton, winter doesn’t last that long either. So the bottom line is— while there is snowfall, compared to other places in Ohio, it’s not by a lot.

Nevertheless, freezing days are quite uncomfortable. We don’t want anyone getting hypothermia during these times, so it’s best to stay bundled up. 

But more than that, you need to make sure your home is perfectly warm and toasty. Coming home to cold floors is as bad as putting up with the freezing pipes every winter. 

If you need commercial or residential heating, we have the tools to install it per your needs. And if you’re just looking for someone to fix up your heater, we do that as well!

JBH Energy Solutions is ready to refine your HVAC, rain or shine. If you’re freezing, scorching in whatever weather, call us at (937) 681-5547. You can even get a free quote right here on the website!


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